Welcome Back Party [2022-2023]

We have started our 2022-2023 school year with our annual Welcome Back Party, where new and old families could share with each other the events of their summer, as well as their hopes and excitement over the coming year together as one big family here at A-Z.

Adults and children alike could reminisce and enjoy each others' company over fresh fruit and tasty apple pies on this wonderfully sunny afternoon, which made it even more fun for the children to discover the transformed Big Garden and all the new garden toys it had to offer.

We hope this garden party added a wonderful final note to everyone's summer memories, and that the friendships, smiles, and happiness will accompany us all throughout the rest of our special school year. A-Z will be celebrating it’s 20th birthday


Harvest Party [2022-2023]


International Weeks [2021-2022]