Noémi Thu Nguyen


My name is Noémi and I have been working at A-Z since May 2019. Having seen a variety of places around the world, the experiences of many different cultures have been an indispensable part of me growing up, one that I try to distill in fiction writing.

Additionally, I am deeply interested in all forms of visual arts, and have been rather enthusiastic about drawing as a form of free, unrestrained self-expression from a young age. I am the native speaker in the group and I am someone who always likes to keep the mood peaceful and full of smiles. My aim together with my fellow teachers is to provide the kind of environment for the children where they can achieve growth in a seemingly effortless way. I believe that kind of atmosphere, where questions are encouraged and creativity is fostered, to be essential to young children’s development.

This September I am starting my kindergarten education to become a qualified teacher soon.